What is Plastic Surgery?

Plastic surgery is a medical specialty that involves altering, restoring, or reconstructing the human body. It encompasses a wide range of procedures aimed at:

  • Enhancing a person's appearance
  • Addressing congenital anomalies
  • Repairing injuries
  • Improving bodily function

Plastic surgery aims to help individuals achieve their desired aesthetic or functional outcomes through personalized treatment plans tailored to their specific needs.

When you’re seeking plastic surgery in Pacific Palisades, various options are available to suit your needs. However, your safety and satisfaction are paramount; choose a provider who prioritizes patient care, adheres to the highest safety standards, and delivers exceptional results.

Dr. Steven Teitelbaum, based in Los Angeles, is one such physician who serves the Pacific Palisades community. With a wealth of experience and expertise, Dr. Teitelbaum is highly regarded in plastic surgery. Choosing a skilled and reputable provider like Dr. Teitelbaum ensures you are in the best hands.

Finding the Right Plastic Surgeon

Credentials and Experience

When looking for a plastic surgeon in Pacific Palisades, finding a doctor with the proper credentials and experience is essential. A prime example is Dr. Steven Teitelbaum, who is board-certified in Surgery and Plastic Surgery and a member of numerous national and international plastic surgery organizations.

Dr. Teitelbaum's credentials are not limited to surgery, as he's also known for bringing science into aesthetic surgery. He has vast experience teaching, speaking, and contributing to research in the field. For example, Dr. Teitelbaum has:

  • Given lectures on five continents
  • Taught at the world's largest and most significant aesthetic surgery meeting
  • Participated in multiple research trials
  • Written book chapters and journal articles
  • Instructed final-year plastic surgery residents at UCLA

Consultation Expectations

Upon selecting a qualified plastic surgeon like Dr. Teitelbaum, it's crucial to have reasonable expectations about your consultation. The surgeon will:
Evaluate your concerns and provide an individualized plan, considering your needs and desires.

  1. Explain the various techniques available for your chosen procedure, and recommend the best approach for your anatomy and desired goals.
  2. Discuss your surgery's potential risks, benefits, recovery process, and expected outcomes.
  3. Going into your consultation with an understanding of the surgeon's credentials and experience and realistic expectations for the consulting process will ensure that you find the right plastic surgeon for your needs.
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Dr. Teitelbaum's Signature Procedures in Pacific Palisades

Face Lift

The facelift is known as the gold standard in anti-aging plastic surgery. During the procedure, your plastic surgeon typically makes incisions around the ears and hairline to access the underlying facial tissues. They then lift and reposition the skin and muscles, remove excess fat, and tighten the remaining skin to create a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance for the patient.

This is one of Dr. Teitelbaum's signature procedures. Known for his exceptional skill and artistry, Dr. Teitelbaum delivers natural-looking, rejuvenating facial results. Your sagging skin, jowls, and loose neck muscles will be tightened, giving you a more youthful and refreshed appearance.

Breast Augmentation

During breast augmentation, your plastic surgeon makes incisions in the breast crease, armpit, or around the areola to insert and position breast implants. They then carefully adjust the implants to achieve the desired size and shape and close the incisions to create a natural and aesthetically pleasing result for the patient.

Breast augmentation is another highly sought-after procedure performed by Dr. Teitelbaum. Utilizing his expertise, he can help you achieve the desired breast size and shape while maintaining a natural and symmetrical appearance. You'll benefit from his personalized approach to breast augmentation, as he carefully considers each individual's anatomy and preferences.

Dr. Teitelbaum’s patients can choose from the following implant types:

  1. Silicone
  2. Saline
  3. Structured saline


With liposuction in Pacific Palisades, achieving a perfectly contoured body has never been easier. This procedure targets stubborn pockets of fat resistant to diet and exercise. During liposuction, your plastic surgeon makes small incisions in the targeted areas and inserts a thin cannula to suction out excess fat deposits. They then carefully sculpt and contour the body to achieve a more proportionate and slimmer appearance.
Dr. Teitelbaum helps you select the most suitable liposuction technique based on skin elasticity and body shape. He is experienced in various types of liposuction, including:

  • Tumescent
  • Syringe
  • Power
  • Standard
  • Ultrasonic

He has also lectured on laser liposuction, such as Smartlipo™. Liposuction results depend more on the surgeon's skill and aesthetic judgment than on the specific device used. These devices are simply different tools, and Dr. Teitelbaum utilizes his expertise to achieve the best possible patient outcomes.

Additionally, Dr. Teitelbaum can perform liposuction on patients while awake, under IV sedation, or with general anesthesia. The decision is based on the treated areas, patient preference, and what Dr. Teitelbaum deems safest for the patient.

Plastic Surgery Postoperative Care and Recovery

Many patients opt to recover at Aura AfterCare, a concierge nursing facility in Beverly Hills. At Aura AfterCare, patients can select from various postoperative care options, including comprehensive care packages and À La Carte services. This flexibility allows individuals to obtain the level of care that best suits their specific recovery process.

With Dr. Teitelbaum living nearby, patients can rest assured that they will receive prompt attention if needed during nights and weekends. To explore the services offered by Aura AfterCare further, you can contact Vicki, Dr. Teitelbaum's surgical coordinator, or Trinity AfterCare.

Postoperative care and recovery play a crucial role in the success of your plastic surgery. Through organizations such as Aura AfterCare, patients can access high-quality, personalized care throughout recovery, enhancing physical and emotional well-being and contributing to the best possible surgical outcome.

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Why Choose Dr. Teitelbaum for Plastic Surgery in Pacific Palisades?

Dr. Teitelbaum has been practicing plastic surgery for over 25 years, making him one of the most experienced surgeons in the area. He is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and has completed extensive training in various surgical procedures. Dr. Teitelbaum stays up-to-date with the latest advancements in plastic surgery, ensuring you receive the most effective treatment. He uses state-of-the-art techniques and technology to minimize scarring, reduce downtime, and improve overall results.

Additionally, Dr. Teitelbaum's reputation within the Pacific Palisades community is unmatched. He's well-regarded by his peers, and his patients consistently leave glowing reviews that praise his professionalism, skill, and compassionate care. His commitment to patient satisfaction and safety has earned him a loyal following of satisfied clients.

When you're ready to discuss your plastic surgery options, make the confident and knowledgeable choice by consulting with Dr. Steven Teitelbaum in Los Angeles. You can trust his experience, personalized approach, and commitment to excellence to deliver the results you desire. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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