Research Trials

Dr. Teitelbaum stays at the vanguard of the latest developments in plastic surgery and offers patients the latest procedures once they are shown to be safe and effective. He is has been a long term member on the Emerging Trends and Innovative Technology Committee of the plastic surgery societies for many years, which keeps him abreast of all developments.
As a board member of the Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation (ASERF), he is aware of the ongoing sponsored research in plastic surgery. Developments in plastic surgery are dependent upon clinical trials that demonstrate the safety and efficacy of a new drug or device. Dr. Teitelbaum has been able to offer patients a number of these drugs and devices:
Closed Enrollment: FDA-Approved Clinical Studies & Trials
- McGhan Medical Corporation Style 410 Silicone Filled Breast Implant Clinical Study (Style 410 breast implant for first time and revision breast augmentation): ENROLLMENT CLOSED - Approved by the FDA 2012, Implants available
- Inamed Corporation Style 410 Silicone filled Breast Implant Continued Access Reconstruction/Revision Expansion Clinical Study (Style 410 breast implant study for revision and reconstruction only): ENROLLMENT CLOSED - Approved by the FDA 2012, Implants Available
- Sientra/Silimed Gel Filled Mammary Implant Study (Sientra highly cohesive gel study for primary and secondary breast augmentation): ENROLLMENT CLOSED - Approved by FDA 2012 - Implants Available
- Contour Profile Cohesive Gel Mammary Prosthesis Clinical Trial IDE G010149 Study # A105-0601-3 (Mentor CPG highly cohesive gel implant study for primary and secondary augmentation and reconstruction): ENROLLMENT CLOSED - Approved by the FDA 2012 - Implants Available
- Kythera CT990611 Protocol No ATX-101-11-26 Open Label (injection of fat-dissolving drug into neck): ENROLLMENT CLOSED
- UltraShape Core Clinical Study (examination of focused ultrasound for body contouring by permanent fat disruption): ENROLLMENT CLOSED
- Kythera Dosing Study (injection of fat dissolving drug into tummy tuck patient's area to be excised prior to surgery to study dosage and timing of effect): ENROLLMENT CLOSED