It seems that a broken tort system and disreputable attorneys have grown like a cancer from the United States and crossed the Atlantic.
It turns out that since the disgraced and bankrupted manufacturer of junky breast implants, PIP, is no longer around to pay settlements, the lawyers are going after the individual doctors and clinics.
Doctors have no culpability whatsoever for manufacturing flaws unknown to them in medical devices that were legal for sale.
I agree that these patients should be entitled to compensation, but not from someone who isn’t responsible. That PIP is defunct does not make the doctors more legally or ethically culpable than if the company still existed.
So in this case the patients are simply without an ethical bases for compensation. That patients, lawyers, and courts are allowing this to proceed casts a shame over the judicial system of Ireland.
I guess the only things that are guarantees in life are death, taxes, and avaricious lawyers.