Arm Lift

Arm skin frequently fails to tighten back after even mild weight loss, and an arm lift can remove that skin and make an arm tighter, fuller, and firmer. Many patients ask about liposuction of their loose arms. But like liposuction in any situation, liposuction only removes fat; it does not tighten skin. There are weight loss patients whose skin remains excellent and elastic, who only need some liposuction of their arms. It is more common, however, for massive weight loss patients to need an arm lift.
An arm lift can involve a small scar in the armpit, one going partway down the arm, or a longer incision that goes from the armpit to around the elbow. In extreme cases it can even go down to the forearm. The armpit only incision may work for a patient with mild laxity due to sun damage and age, but it cannot remove as much skin as a weight loss patient usually needs to achieve an ideal result.
The scar is the drawback to an arm lift. Each patient needs to decide if she will feel better having firmer and tighter arms with a scar. The scar can be placed either down the inner arm, or along the back of the arm. Dr. Teitelbaum will discuss with you where the scar will look best.
Patients report being thrilled to have room in the sleeves of their jackets and with the ability to raise their arms up without seeing or feeling the loose "batwing" skin under their arms. Even when a man or woman loses enough weight to make their trunk small, residual fat deposits and loose skin in the upper arm give the impression of that person being heavier than they are. Arm lift surgery is ideal for eliminating that problem.
"In March, 2010, I had Bariatric Surgery! My Gastric Sleeve procedure went very well and I have lost 115 lbs. However, I found that I had a new problem. I happily could go into a store and buy NORMAL size clothes for my new much smaller body only for below my waist. All tops, jackets, sweaters did not fit right. They fit me but not my saggy, baggy upper arms!!! In April, 2011, I went to Dr. Teitelbaum for help. He agreed to operate on my upper arms and remove all the excess skin and tissue. What a Relief!!! He did my surgery in April and after the period of healing, I now have pretty new tops, jackets and sweaters and I feel like a million bucks. I have lovely, new outfits that match instead of pieced together to allow for my arms. I am doing water aerobics and not wearing a long sleeve tee shirt to try and camouflage my saggy upper arms. I can even wear tank tops! The scars are not as well hidden as his usual scars but that is not possible due to location. He hid them as well as possible and no one has asked me about them! I would have the surgery again in a second. I had very little pain and the results are so worth it! Thanks, Dr. T!!!!"