Asian Breast Augmentation Gallery
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OkDr. Teitelbaum has a very broad and in-depth experience performing Asian breast augmentation in Los Angeles, on patients from a number of Asian countries. It is for this reason that he was invited to lecture on scars to an all Asian plastic surgeon audience at the Asian Breast Aesthetic Symposium, which took place in Malaysia.
Indeed, Los Angeles is a melting pot of cultures and this has given Dr. Teitelbaum experience in a very wide range of Asian patients, perhaps more than even a doctor in a particular Asian country who would only see patients of that nation’s ethnicity.
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OkA well-done Asian breast augmentation:
Prior in advance of surgery and again after, Dr. Teitelbaum and his team will provide a detailed description of what you can expect during the next few days and weeks. You’ll also be given detailed post-procedural guidelines—please follow the guidelines accurately to ensure a smooth and comfortable recovery process.
You can return home within an hour after surgery, but you’ll need to have someone drive you. You can then drive yourself in about two days and return to work in four. At first, your breasts may seem unnaturally firm, but the swelling and firmness will gradually recede over the next couple of days. You will not have any drains, there are no special bras or bandages.
While African-American patients have the biggest reputation for poor scarring, Asian patients may be at even greater risk. Fortunately, the chances of a bad scar are still small. Dr. Teitelbaum takes particular steps during Asian breast augmentation to try to reduce the chances of a poor quality scar. The incision is made and closed with the greatest care and the incision is hidden under the crease of the breast so that even a bad scar would be concealed.
During his discussions with Asian plastic surgeons, he has learned that the nipple incision is really not used in Asia because the scar has a tendency to darken, leaving patients with an enlarged and irregular areola, with what can seem like a “smiley face” along the bottom of the areola from the scar.
Some breast augmentation surgeons suggest the underneath the breast scar and others the armpit scar. But in warmer climates where women will wear clothing with exposed arms, the underneath incision is preferred. And in the last year articles have been published which show the armpit incision to have a higher rate of capsular contracture and improperly positioned implants, so that reason alone is making the underneath incision the prudent choice for women everywhere. If you wish to learn more, contact us today and schedule a consultation to receive some of the best asian breast implants Los Angeles has to offer.
Opting for breast augmentation is a big decision that should be made after carefully considering all options. You are an ideal candidate for an Asian breast augmentation if you:
Dr. Steven Teitelbaum is one of the most reputable double board-certified plastic surgeons in Santa Monica, CA. He has an exceptional educational background, having completed his medical education at UCLA School of Medicine, followed by a surgical residency at Harvard.
Dr. Teitelbaum is a nationally-renowned leader in plastic surgery, currently holding leadership positions in several major plastic surgery societies, including the Treasurer and Legislative Committee Chair of the California Society of Plastic Surgeons and a Board Member of the Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation.
Besides his various national recognitions, board-certifications, and his educational background, Dr. Teitelbaum is a compassionate plastic surgeon who believes that each breast augmentation procedure must be done in accordance with the patient’s individual goals and expectations.