Breast diagram

This illustration from one of Dr. Teitelbaum’s book chapters demonstrates the difference between three closely related problems: fold malposition, stretch, and rippling.

Artistic image of a woman's breasts

What is Involved?

Some type of breast lift will need to be done if there is too much breast skin or if the nipple is too low.

This does involve scars—but if loose skin or a low nipple is the problem then a lift (mastopexy) is the only solution. There are various types of lifts with different lengths and scar locations. Dr. Teitelbaum will discuss the scar options for your situation.

If a pre-existing implant is too high, then the implant and, often, scar tissue are removed surgically. Then, a new implant is placed a bit lower so that it pushes what was the drooping breast tissue outwards and upwards.

Article clipping

Dr. Teitelbaum has coauthored a chapter which includes a description of how to fix breasts with implants that have stretched.

Article clipping

This important article presented for the first time a description of the destruction a large implant can do to the breast tissue, which can lead to thinning, stretch, rippling, and drooping.

Drooping Before & After


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