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What Is a Capsulectomy?

A capsulectomy is a surgical procedure that removes the capsule of scar tissue that naturally forms around breast implants. While this capsule is a normal bodily response, in some cases, it can become thickened, hardened, or inflamed, leading to discomfort or aesthetic concerns.

Why Is a Capsulectomy Performed?

Patients may require a capsulectomy for several reasons, including the following:

A capsulectomy is often necessary when the scar tissue surrounding a breast implant—known as the capsule—becomes problematic. While the body naturally forms a thin layer of scar tissue around implants as part of the healing process, this capsule can sometimes thicken, harden, or cause discomfort, leading to the need for surgical intervention.

Common Reasons a Capsulectomy May Be Required

Capsular Contracture

Capsular contracture occurs when the scar tissue around the implant tightens excessively, causing the breast to feel firm, become distorted, or be a source of ongoing pain. This condition can range from mild firmness to severe discomfort and misshapen breasts. A capsulectomy helps by removing the hardened tissue, restoring comfort and a more natural breast appearance.

Implant Rupture or Leaking Implant

If a saline or silicone implant ruptures or leaks, the surrounding capsule may harden or become inflamed. In the case of silicone implants, leaked material may stay within the capsule or spread to surrounding tissue. A total or en bloc capsulectomy is often performed to remove the implant and surrounding scar tissue in one piece, preventing further complications.

Breast Implant Illness (BII) Symptoms

Some women with breast implants experience a range of systemic symptoms, often referred to as breast implant illness (BII). These symptoms may include chronic fatigue, joint pain, brain fog, and inflammation. While research is ongoing, some women report significant symptom relief after implant and capsule removal. A capsulectomy may be recommended for those seeking to remove the entire capsule and any potential contributing factors.

Implant Removal for Personal or Aesthetic Reasons

Some individuals choose to remove their implants permanently due to lifestyle changes, personal preference, or aesthetic concerns. In these cases, a capsulectomy ensures that all scar tissue is removed, promoting optimal healing and breast reshaping. Many patients opt for additional fat grafting or a breast lift to maintain natural-looking breast contours after implant removal.

Chronic Pain or Inflammation

Thickened or inflamed scar tissue can cause persistent discomfort, tightness, or restricted movement in the chest area. A capsulectomy helps by relieving pressure, restoring comfort, and improving breast softness and mobility.

Correcting Implant Displacement or Distortion

Over time, implants can shift, ripple, or bottom out, affecting breast shape and symmetry. If the capsule is too thick, uneven, or misshapen, it may interfere with the positioning of the breast implants. A capsulectomy, often combined with implant replacement or a breast lift, can restore a balanced, symmetrical appearance.

Types of Capsulectomy Procedures

Dr. Teitelbaum tailors each capsulectomy in Los Angeles to the patient’s needs, offering several surgical approaches:

Partial Capsulectomy

Only a portion of the capsule is removed, leaving some scar tissue behind while ensuring symptom relief. Typically performed when a total removal is unnecessary or not recommended due to safety concerns.

Total Capsulectomy

The entire capsule is removed, ensuring a full removal of all scar tissue that may be causing symptoms. Often recommended for moderate to severe cases of capsular contracture or implant rupture.

En Bloc Capsulectomy

A specialized surgical technique where the implant and surrounding capsule are removed in one piece. Preferred in cases of implant rupture or BII, minimizing exposure to the implant materials. Requires an experienced breast surgeon due to the technical precision required for removal. Dr. Teitelbaum is a leading expert in capsulectomy, ensuring that each procedure is performed with the highest level of surgical precision while preserving the natural beauty and health of the breast.

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What to Expect from Capsulectomy Surgery

The Procedure

  • Performed under general anesthesia in our private, fully accredited surgical facility.
  • Incisions are strategically placed to minimize visible scarring.
  • The capsule and/or implant are removed, with options for implant replacement, fat grafting, or a breast lift if desired.

Recovery Timeline—What to Expect After Your Surgery

Recovery after a capsulectomy in Los Angeles varies based on factors such as the extent of the procedure, whether implants are replaced, and individual healing response. While most patients experience a smooth recovery, understanding the timeline can help you plan and optimize your healing process.

Immediately After Surgery (First 24-48 Hours)

  • You will wake up from anesthesia in a comfortable recovery setting, with your chest wrapped in a surgical bra or compression garment.
  • It is normal to feel mild to moderate discomfort, tightness, and swelling, particularly if a total or en bloc capsulectomy was performed.
  • Pain is usually well-managed with prescription medication or over-the-counter pain relievers as recommended by Dr. Teitelbaum.
  • Most patients can return home on the same day, but you will need someone to drive you and assist you with basic tasks.

Dr. Teitelbaum will provide detailed post-operative instructions, including guidance on incision care, activity restrictions, and follow-up appointments. 

First Week: Rest & Early Recovery

  • Swelling and bruising may peak within the first 3 to 5 days before gradually subsiding.
  • Patients may experience a sensation of tightness or pressure in the chest, particularly if a breast lift or implant replacement was performed.
  • Light walking is encouraged to promote circulation and reduce the risk of blood clots, but strenuous activity should be avoided.
  • If drains were placed, they are monitored and typically removed within a few days to a week.

Most patients can resume light daily activities but must avoid lifting, reaching overhead, or sleeping on their side or stomach.

Weeks 2-3: Gradual Return to Activities

  • Pain and swelling will continue to subside, and bruising should significantly improve.
  • Many patients feel comfortable returning to work if their job is not physically demanding.
  • You may be able to start light cardio exercises, such as walking at a moderate pace, but upper body workouts and strenuous exercise should still be avoided.
  • If non-dissolvable sutures were used, they may be removed at this time.

Weeks 4-6: Continued Healing & Improved Comfort

  • By this stage, most swelling has subsided, and your final breast shape is starting to take form.
  • Residual soreness or sensitivity is still normal but greatly reduced.
  • Patients can gradually reintroduce strength training and more vigorous workouts, but chest-focused exercises should be approached cautiously.

Scars will begin to fade, but they may appear pink or slightly raised before softening over time. Dr. Teitelbaum will provide guidance on scar care techniques, such as topical treatments or silicone gel sheets, to optimize healing.

3-6 Months: Final Results

  • Breasts should feel soft and natural, and any remaining swelling will have fully resolved.
  • If implants were removed and not replaced, the skin may continue to retract and tighten for several months. Some patients may choose a breast lift or fat grafting to enhance contour and shape.
  • Scars will continue to fade but may take up to a year to fully mature and flatten.

Long-Term Considerations

Results from capsulectomy alone or with implant removal last a lifetime, though natural aging, weight fluctuations, and hormonal changes can affect breast shape over time. New implants may be desired. Regular follow-ups with Dr. Teitelbaum ensure optimal healing and long-term satisfaction with your results.

Why Choose Dr. Steven Teitelbaum for Capsulectomy?

Dr. Steven Teitelbaum is widely known as one of the foremost experts in aesthetic plastic surgery, with an outstanding reputation for surgical excellence and patient advocacy.

  • Proven Leadership in Plastic Surgery – Former President of the Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation (ASERF), a leading organization dedicated to advancing safe, evidence-based aesthetic surgery.
  • Expert in Advanced Breast Surgery – Dr. Teitelbaum has been at the forefront of breast implant safety research, advocating for patient rights and informed choices.
  • Unparalleled Surgical Precision – Known for his meticulous technique, Dr. Teitelbaum ensures that capsulectomy procedures are performed with the highest level of safety, precision, and aesthetic refinement.
  • Advocate for Patient Safety – As Legislative Committee Chair of the California Society of Plastic Surgeons, he has worked to protect plastic surgery patients at both the state and national levels.

With Dr. Teitelbaum’s expertise, patients receive a highly personalized approach, ensuring that their health, comfort, and aesthetic goals are a priority.

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