Tuberous Breast Correction in Los Angeles

Tuberous breasts are usually constricted at their base, they can project too far forward, they have a large areola, and frequently breast tissue spills into the areola. In some cases the problem is mild, in others it is severely deforming. Sometimes it involves one breast and other times both breasts. There is often asymmetry, and there is a common pattern in which one breast is droopy and the other is constricted. Most but not all patients with tuberous breasts have an inadequate amount of breast tissue and need to have an augmentation.
In addition to having a breast implant for the sake of making their breasts larger, breast augmentation can help create a more attractive shape in many tuberous breast patients. In almost every tuberous breast situation the breast lift scar is a donut scar around the areola. This helps to reduce the size of the areola if it is large and it helps “telescope” the breast if it is overly projecting. Vertical and anchor scar lifts are almost never done in constricted breasts because constricted/tuberous breasts actually suffer from not having enough skin in the lower breast, and those techniques remove skin from that region.