
The nose is a respiratory organ, so the function of the nose must be maintained or improved with surgery. Dr. Teitelbaum wants to know exactly what a patient does not like about their nose or what they want to improve. He asks them to bring in photographs of themselves to point out features they like or have been bothered with. Photos from magazines help him to understand what the patient considers to be a beautiful nose.
He conducts a thorough examination of both the inside and outside of the nose, assessing the airway, the proportions of the nose, and the relationship of the nose to the rest of the face. A patient is then photographed, and an advanced computer imaging system is used to demonstrate and discuss what Dr. Teitelbaum suggests and what the patient wants to have done.
Of all plastic surgery procedures, the rhinoplasty is the one in which the patient has the most input. In many regards, the nose defines how people look and how they even recognize themselves in a mirror. And it is up to each patient to tell Dr. Teitelbaum the goals they have from rhinoplasty surgery.
Once he knows what a patient wants, he will discuss whether and how that result can be achieved. And as with all other plastic surgery procedures he does, Dr. Teitelbaum always helps his patients to see the big picture, shifting the focus from the nose as an isolated structure to how working with, and improving, the nose will enhance the patient’s entire visage. With his sensitive eye and attention to detail, Dr. Teitelbaum consistently creates a beautiful and congruous nose for each of his patients.