
Nanosheets” – Perhaps the Future of Plastic Surgery

I have heard of nanotechnology, but I have to admit that until I saw this, I had not heard of nanosheets…so if I told you anything that was not in this story, I'd just be making it up! But from what I can read, this is one of the most exciting advances in surge...

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Fit to Lead the Flat Earth Society

http://www.examiner.com/x-7812-DC-SCOTUS-Examiner~y2009m8d17-Obamas-OSHA-nominee-is-antigun-activist-and-junk-science-peddlerWhether or not you are an Obama supporter, I think we can agree that a junk-science advocate has no role heading OSHA. I can let the anti-gun activis...

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Silicone Dog Balls

https://www.mlive.com/living/grand-rapids/2009/07/unleashed_neuticles_offers_pet.htmlYup. You read it right. My google alert for silicone implants went off for this one.  Yes, you can actually get fake testicles for your dog.  Too bad this came out just after I f...

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Dr Teitelbaum Discusses Cohesive Implants on PSC

http://www.theplasticsurgerychannel.com/plastic-surgery-procedures/breast-aesthetics/breast-augmentation/cohesive-gel-breast-implant-trials-video-feature.html#more-185I've been interested in cohesive implants for many years. I remember being in Israel in 1997, and vi...

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Dr Teitelbaum Discusses 3D Imaging on PSC

In this appearance on PSC, I discuss the role of 3D imaging in breast surgery. Breast augmentation patients clearly want to know what they will look like.  3D imaging is just one more way to help them envision what they might look like after breast augmentation. ...

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MH Lawsuit

But this lawsuit will not bring her back. At a time when we are debating how to pay for health care, it would be prudent to remember that every dollar of the “unspecified amount” her parents seek could be paying for care of the uninsured.  Will the money re...

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Breast Augmentation #1 Cosmetic Procedure

http://health-fitness-disease-illness.blogspot.com/2009/09/breast-augmentation-becomes-no-1.htmlEarlier in 2009, ASAPS released statistics that showed that breast augmentation had become the most popular cosmetic procedure in the United States. This Post by Dr Loverme is a...

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Surgical “Twitting”

Need I say more? I'll accept the fact that patients have consented to this and someone else is doing the twitting…but who needs to follow a particular surgery live?  It is just creepy to follow an operation like one watches the Indy 500, bored speechless e...

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Recession? Hah! Plastic Surgery Thrives

At the beginning of the recession, I was interviewed by a major newspaper for a story on the effect of the economy on plastic surgery. At that point, my business had been totally unaffected.  I even showed the numbers to the reporter.  Guess what?  My quotes...

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Facelift Results without Surgery???

Interestingly enough, these claims are usually made by non-surgeons. I can understand their motivation: they can't do surgery, and so they make ridiculous comments.   But the doctor quoted in this story shows beautiful facelift results on his site: http...

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